To view expenses listing page, access the sidebar menu. Select purchase>expenses. Listing page will appear.
You can create new expenses from expenses listing page.
All the expenses created till date will be available in descending order i.e. latest created will appear first.
Quick filter will be provided for sorting expenses on the basis of: Non billable, Unbilled and Invoiced
Additional filters will provide the option to filter expenses by clicking on "Filter" button on the basis of: Expense Status (unbilled, non billable or invoiced) and Date Range.
You can also search based on customer and vendor from the search bar.
List view will have the column to showcase: Expense name, Vendor name, Customer name, Paid through, Expense date, Expense status, Expense amount, Action items
In case of Unbilled Expense, Actions items will have options to: View, Edit, Convert to invoice and Delete.
In case of Invoiced Estimate, Actions items will have options to: View.
In case of Non billable Expense, Actions items will have options to: View, Edit, Mark billable and Delete.
If the expense status is "Non billable" then user will have option for ‘Mark billable' in the action items. Click on ‘Mark billable' from the action items, the user will be redirected to the expense edit page where If customer already selected - The billable checkbox value will be Checked. If customer is not already selected, then first the user will select the customer and then automatically the value of the billable checkbox will be Checked. By clicking on 'Save’ the status of the expense will become "Unbilled". If the user unchecks the billable checkbox which was automatically checked then in that case, the status of the expense will remain as 'Non billable'.