If you were maintaining your books on any other software or spreadsheets earlier, and now wants to switch to Akounto, you can import bulk customers.
To import bulk customers, access the sidebar menu, select Sales>Customer>Import customers.
You will be navigated to customer import screen, from where you can download a sample template plus you will see the instructions to be followed while doing import.
Click ‘upload file’ and select the template in which customers detail is available. Max file size can not exceed 5mb.
Once the file is uploaded, you will have an option to skip or overwrite duplicate records. If you opt the skip option then, details available in Akounto will remain as it is and duplicate details from the file will be ignored, if you opt the overwrite option, then details available in the file will be updated in Akounto.
Click "Next", and map the file columns with Akounto fields correctly. Click "Next", you will get an alert for rectification if there are any errors in fields mapping, like: date filed has been mapped with name etc.
If there are no errors, a preview screen will appear, where you will have a view of customers to be imported. Click "Next".
At last, a popup will appear, with cancel and import button. The popup will provide information like: Number of records ready to be imported, number of duplicate records, unmapped fields
Click import, user will be redirected to customers listing page, and a success message will appear, ‘Customers imported’. These newly imported customers will be having a tag as 'Newly imported' in the Status column on Customers listing page.
In case of overwrite duplicate customer details, only details from excel file should be overwrite. Previous data about business done with customer (Total outstanding, overdue, received amount) should not be overwritten.