To create an estimate, access sidebar menu, select sales>estimate>Create New estimate.
Estimate template will appear, select customer from drop down or create new customer by providing some details. If the customer already exists and you have selected the customer from the dropdown, then the currency field becomes disabled with the existing currency of the customer but if you are adding a new customer, then you can select the currency from the dropdown.
Select estimate date. Select the estimate expiry date from the dropdown which includes the following options: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days and Custom. When you clicks on 30 days, the date after 30 days from estimate date will be populated. If you select custom from the dropdown, then a calendar will appear from where you can pick any date of your choice.
You can select an item from the item dropdown or can also add a new item. While adding a new Item you need to enter the item name, description, quantity, price and also select the account from the 'Select account' dropdown. Click on 'Add an item' button to add more items. Add tax (tax rates along with name will be displayed in the summary), discount if applicable.
While creating estimate, you can upload logo if not uploaded yet by accessing the 'Estimate title' section under Settings on Estimate template. Click 'Choose file', you will be able to choose any image from the device, then a popup will appear to let you to zoom in / zoom out or crop this image. After uploading the logo, a success message will appear 'Logo uploaded successfully.
Click "Save. Estimate number will be automated. Click "Save draft".
A success message will appear, ‘Estimate created’.
Estimate will be saved in ‘Draft’ status, with buttons 'Send', 'Approve' and 'Edit'.
While creating the estimate, you will be directed to fill the Business name first, then Country, Estimate number, Due date, Estimate date, Currency, Item, Quantity, Price, Select account, Terms and conditions. After filling all the details, click 'Save'. Estimate will be saved in Draft status.